Bordautoklaver og gulvautoklaver, D-Line serierne

Leverandør: Tuttnauer
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Bordautoklaver og gulvautoklaver, D-Line serierne
Sterilisatorer Autoklaver (damp sterilisatorer)
Valget af den rigtige autoklave afhænger af flere ting: Applikationen, anvendelsesfrekvens og volumen. Tuttnauer-serien af gulvautoklaver og bordautoklaver er konstrueret til de applikationer man anvender imoderne laboratorier og forskningsinstitutioner. Kammeret er konstrueret i rustfrit stål i 316L/Ti-kvalitet som er meget korrosionsresistens. Dampgeneratoren er fremstillet i rustfrit stål.

Valget af den rigtige autoklave afhænger af flere ting: Applikationen, anvendelsesfrekvens og volumen. Tuttnauer-serien af gulvautoklaver og bordautoklaver er konstrueret til de applikationer man anvender imoderne laboratorier og forskningsinstitutioner.

  • The autoclaves are designed for easy servicing allowing maintenance access to all components
  • The microprocessor control system offers enhanced monitoring and control
  • Programs are designed to treat all load types including liquids, instruments and waste
  • All programs are fully customisable to suit the specific needs and requirements of the end user
  • Tuttnauer's D-Line models use multicolour display technology
  • The User Interface (UI) has been redesigned with the following considerations; multicolour display for easier reading, colour is used to indicate the stage of the cycle, easy operation, built-in view of historical cycle data, graphical display of temperature and pressure trend graphs

Sikkerhedsfunktioner: En sikkerhedsanordning gør, at operatøren ikke kan åbne døren, når kammeret er under tryk; der kan ikke komme damp ind i kammeret, når døren er åben; en cyklus kan ikke starte, hvis døren er åben eller ikke er lukket ordentligt; døren kan ikke åbnes, før temperaturen er under det angivne sikkerhedsniveau...

Dobbelt uafhængig overvågning: Den kombinerede elektroniske og mekaniske overvågning garanterer nøjagtige resultater. Operatøren har to af hinanden uafhængige måder at overvåge temperatur og tryk.

Reduced cycle times with optional fast cooling:
Tuttnauer’s accelerated cooling technology reduces cycle time and protects the load by minimising its exposure to high temperatures. Rapid cooling typically reduces cooling time by as much as 75%.
Fan assisted cooling:
An additional feature that further enhances the cooling stage is the optional radial ventilator. The fan circulates the hot air, inside the chamber, transferring the heat to the cooled chamber walls or cooling coils. The overall chamber and load temperature rapidly drops.

Efficient air removal by optional vacuum:
The vacuum pump is optional and if not selected the gravity displacement air removal method is used. Fractioned pre-vacuum air removal eliminates air pockets from all load types and maximises steam penetration. A pre-vacuum pump removes the air from the chamber. This allows for complete air removal with more efficient steam penetration throughout the entire load.

Optional bio-hazardous waste sterilisation:
The Tuttnauer line of advanced laboratory autoclaves supplies a full sterilisation solution for the treatment of bio-hazardous waste. The autoclaves can be supplied with an optional exhaust filtration system. During the air removal stage, prior to sterilisation, all effluent is passed through a biological filter that provides an extra level of protection. During the sterilisation phase, condensate does not leave the autoclave chamber. It is removed only after the sterilisation phase is complete. The laboratory staff and environment are therefore protected from contamination.

Advarsel: Please contact your local Avantor office to clarify the the correct model / features that suit your application.
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