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VWR tilbyder alle forme for laboratorievægte, præcisionsvægte, industrivægte, analysevægte osv. Vi tilbyder alt fra generiske manuelle laboratorievægte til elektroniske fugt analysatorer samt højkvalitets vægte, som er kalibrerede, enkle at betjene og giver hurtige resultater.<br /><br />Ved hjælp af den nyeste teknologi til rådighed leverer laboratorievægtene pålidelige målinger med hurtig stabilisering og timing. Med holdbare flade platforme er instrumenterne nemme at rengøre for støv og snavs. Laboratorievægtene har et kompakt design, der er en fordel i laboratorier med mangel på plads.

VWR tilbyder alle forme for laboratorievægte, præcisionsvægte, industrivægte, analysevægte osv. Vi tilbyder alt fra generiske manuelle laboratorievægte til elektroniske fugt analysatorer samt højkvalitets vægte, som er kalibrerede, enkle at betjene og giver hurtige resultater.

Ved hjælp af den nyeste teknologi til rådighed leverer laboratorievægtene pålidelige målinger med hurtig stabilisering og timing. Med holdbare flade platforme er instrumenterne nemme at rengøre for støv og snavs. Laboratorievægtene har et kompakt design, der er en fordel i laboratorier med mangel på plads.

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Leverandør: VWR Collection
Beskrivelse: Semi-micro balances with resolution of 0,01 mg and a built-in ioniser, which ensures accurate sample preparation. Static charges accumulate in different samples that are routinely weighed in the laboratory. These static charges can build up and alter the weighing value. By blowing ions, the built-in ioniser neutralises static electricity and within seconds the sample is ready to be weighed. The balance calibration system automatically calibrates the balance when there is a temperature change or at a set period of time (factory settings), this ensures accurate measurements even if the user has not manually calibrated the balance. All models have a stainless steel top pan.


Leverandør: VWR Collection
Beskrivelse: A selection of 36 high level balances offering high accuracy and repeatability combined with easy, intuitive operation and a large touch screen for applications in the laboratory, industrial and educational settings.


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Leverandør: VWR Collection
Beskrivelse: Rugged and economical balances, that are ideal for educational establishments and laboratory use. A series that ranges from simple weighing to operation with automated internal calibration. All Classic models have a simple backlit LCD with adjustable contrast and ergonomic keypad and a stainless steel top pan.

Varenummer: (611-3131)
Leverandør: VWR Collection
Beskrivelse: A complete portable system for density measurements, comprising of a portable balance plus a density kit for solids and liquids with the required accessories, all presented in a customised carrying case.
UOM: 1 * 1 Each

Leverandør: Sartorius Balances
Beskrivelse: Entris® II Advanced precision balances feature isoCAL, intuitive graphic touch display and 13 built-in applications. Highly accurate results are guaranteed via the monolithic weigh cell technology. High chemical resistance is ensured by using parts made from hard wearing PBT, stainless steel and glass. Integrated protection systems increase reliability of weighing results: Three configurable levels determine valid weighing data and ensure only valid data is transferred to external devices.


Leverandør: Sartorius Balances
Beskrivelse: The Cubis® II range has a modular design that to allows the customer to choose the components that suit the application area that is of interest. For the customer, this configurable concept delivers quality weighing, together with a high degree of flexibility, without having to invest in expensive equipment that has features that may never be required.

Leverandør: Sartorius Balances
Beskrivelse: Cubis® II MCA high-capacity toploading balances with advanced user interface offer a maximum load between 11,2 and 70,2 kg and readability between 0,1 and 1 g provide the ideal model for every application.

Leverandør: Sartorius Balances
Beskrivelse: Cubis® II MCE ultra-micro balances with essential user interface offer readability of 0,1 µg and a maximum capacity of 2,1 g. Used to determine the exact weight of the smallest sample quantities.

Leverandør: Sartorius Balances
Beskrivelse: A series of ergonomic balances designed for easy, intuitive operation, with a large touch screen, self-explanatory icons and plain text prompts. In addition to standard applications, they include general weighing, density, percentage, check-weighing, peak hold, counting and averaging. The Quintix® range also provides mixing, components, statistics and conversion funtionalities. Results can be transferred via a mini-USB interface to a printer or a computer directly into a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet without additional software. Menu with choice of 10 languages.

Leverandør: Sartorius Balances
Beskrivelse: Cubis® II MCE semi-micro balances with essential user interface offer readability of 10 µg and a maximum weighing capacity up to 220 g. Used for weighing small sample amounts down to the µg-range.

Leverandør: Sartorius Balances
Beskrivelse: Advanced balances designed for easy, reliable and secure weighing operations for regulated areas. These analytical balances deliver stabilisation times of 2 to 3 seconds with excellent repeatability (0,1 mg) and linearity (0,2 mg). The Secura® range features a range of APC functions (Advanced Pharma Compliance) to help with documentation and monitoring requirements. GLP-compliant printout documentation is also controlled by the built-in security control, as data transfer to a printer or PC is blocked, when common operating errors occur, such as when the balance is not level, minimum sample weight has not been achieved or temperature fluctuations require isoCAL calibration adjustment.

Leverandør: Sartorius Balances
Beskrivelse: The Speedcal Mobile system was developed to meet the specific requirements for calibrating multi-channel pipettes. Its innovative design and sophisticated technology simplify the entire calibration process. Parallel connection of up to 12 balances, which simultaneously determine the dispensed volumes from a multi-channel pipette, make Speedcal Mobile the fastest and most effective system on the market for this task. The integrated Web Service interface enables Speedcal Mobile to be connected to all pipette calibration software. Speedcal Mobile is suitable for long-term use in laboratories.

Varenummer: (611-5067)
Leverandør: Sartorius Balances
Beskrivelse: The Secura® microbalance provides highly accurate weighing results and operating convenience, and also features built-in protection systems for complete reliability and regulatory compliance. This microbalance has a readability of 2 microgrammes.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Varenummer: (611-1565)
Leverandør: VWR Collection
Beskrivelse: Et unikt produkt som kombinerer en simpel ske med en vægt, så man hurtigt og præcist kan dosere et produkt. Kan bruges inden for veterinær- og fødevare industrien. Aftagelig transparent ske, med volumen inddeling for væsker. Lavet af ABS plastic der kan vaskes i opvaskemaskine.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Leverandør: VWR Collection
Beskrivelse: Laboratory analytical balances that have 5" colour touch screen display with advanced applications and large databases for professional weighing. The user has easy and intuitive access to balance functions, via interactive, icon-driven menus ensuring efficient and productive weighing. Balances can be used by up to 10 different users, each with their own customisable settings and password protection. Ideal for laboratories requiring GLP compliance. All models have a stainless steel top pan.

Leverandør: VWR Collection
Beskrivelse: These semi-micro balances with 5" colour touch screen display and built-in ioniser ensure accurate sample preparation. Static charges accumulate in different samples that are routinely weighed in the laboratory. These static charges can build up and alter the weighing value. By blowing ions, the built-in ioniser neutralises static electricity and within seconds the sample is ready to be weighed. The balance calibration system automatically calibrates the balance when there is a temperature change or at a set period of time (factory settings), this ensures accurate measurements even if the user has not manually calibrated the balance.

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