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Being prepared in case of an accident, the burn care supplies will treat wounds immediately for pain relief. Keeping the safety products accessible at all times will promote safer work environments especially when handling hazardous flames. After drawing out the heat of the burn with fast-acting gels and wet dressings, cover with the dry dressings to protect against wound contamination. Individually packaged, the burn care supplies are guaranteed to remain fresh and effective.

Being prepared in case of an accident, the burn care supplies will treat wounds immediately for pain relief. Keeping the safety products accessible at all times will promote safer work environments especially when handling hazardous flames. After drawing out the heat of the burn with fast-acting gels and wet dressings, cover with the dry dressings to protect against wound contamination. Individually packaged, the burn care supplies are guaranteed to remain fresh and effective.

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Varenummer: (118-0554)
Leverandør: Orkla Care AB / Cederroth
Beskrivelse: A first aid station with special equipment for burns. This is a first aid station designed for anyone working in environments where there is a high risk of burns and cuts.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Environmentally Preferable

Varenummer: (CEDE51011015)
Leverandør: Orkla Care AB / Cederroth
Beskrivelse: Burn gel dressing provides rapid cooling and effective pain relief for first and second degree burns.
UOM: 1 * 6 Items

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Varenummer: (CEDE51011014)
Leverandør: Orkla Care AB / Cederroth
Beskrivelse: Large burn gel dressing provides rapid cooling and effective pain relief for first and second degree burns.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Varenummer: (118-0224)
Leverandør: Orkla Care AB / Cederroth
Beskrivelse: This burn gel provides rapid cooling and effective pain relief for burns. The dressing can be used for surface and partially deep burns, scalds, sunburn, electrical burns and itching, caused by, for example, stinging nettles, jellyfish or insect bites. It cools as effectively as running water and thus speed up the healing process.
UOM: 1 * 2 Items

Varenummer: (118-0384)
Leverandør: Orkla Care AB / Cederroth
Beskrivelse: This cover protects and relieves the pain caused by minor burns. The cushion is a cool water-based hydrogel that covers the nerve endings of the skin, helping to relieve pain. It also creates a moist environment that prevents scabs from forming and promotes faster healing.
UOM: 1 * 10 Items

Varenummer: (118-0499)
Leverandør: Orkla Care AB / Cederroth
Beskrivelse: A mobile first aid kit with products for handling burns. Burn gel products provide cooling and pain relief for first- and second-degree burns. Burn gel dressings come in three sizes, including a large dressing/face mask.
UOM: 1 * 1 Each

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