Du Søgte efter: Destillationssystemer

VWR forhandler destillationssystemer. Destilleringen af komponenter kan ske igennem en opvarmning og nedkølingscyklus. Renseprocessen kan gøres manuelt eller automatisk. Destillationssystemerne findes i flere varianter. Tilførsel af konstant temperatur enten ved hjælp af elektrisk eller gas varmekilde, medfører at væsker, som er tilbøjelig til at koge, vil fordampe.

VWR forhandler destillationssystemer. Destilleringen af komponenter kan ske igennem en opvarmning og nedkølingscyklus. Renseprocessen kan gøres manuelt eller automatisk. Destillationssystemerne findes i flere varianter. Tilførsel af konstant temperatur enten ved hjælp af elektrisk eller gas varmekilde, medfører at væsker, som er tilbøjelig til at koge, vil fordampe.

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Varenummer: (VELPF307A0660)
Beskrivelse: Designed to neutralise toxic fumes produced during mineralisation and safeguard lab operators without requiring any connection to tap water.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Beskrivelse: The UDK Series distillers are designed to meet the most challenging demands and requirements for diverse applications, according to international standards: Kjeldahl nitrogen TKN, proteins, ammoniacal nitrogen, nitric nitrogen (Devarda), phenols, TVBN and volatile acids, cyanides, and alcohol content. Five different UDK models are available with different automation levels to match any laboratory requirement of automation and throughput. A complete range of distillers featuring exclusive technologies to meet any laboratory requirement for the determination of analytes in different fields of application.

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Leverandør: BUCHI
Beskrivelse: KjelMaster K-375 provides solutions designed for convenient nitrogen and protein analysis.

Leverandør: BEHR
Beskrivelse: Distillation apparatus for determining the alcohol content and the volatile acids in wine and other alcoholic drinks.

Varenummer: (BUCH11K36521110)
Leverandør: BUCHI
Beskrivelse: For protein and nitrogen determination (TKN, NPN, TVBN, ammonia, nitrate/nitrite and casein). Possibility to connect Metrohm or SI analytics titrators for the MultiKjel.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

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Varenummer: (WITG2.530.000)
Beskrivelse: Kjeldahl distillation unit made of borosilicate glass.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Leverandør: BUCHI
Beskrivelse: A modular, upgradeable, system for scrubbing of harmful fumes from distillation or digestion processes. The system can be obtained with up to four process stages depending on user requirements.

Varenummer: (LBCP2127602)
Leverandør: LABCONCO
Beskrivelse: Kjeldahl distillation units are designed with mounting on a base cabinet or table. One-piece borosilicate glass connecting bulbs separate liquid from vapors prior to the vapors entering the condenser and effectively traps caustic mist that may carry over to the recovery solution and One-piece borosilicate glass delivery tubes with long necks, round bottoms and thick walls to help eliminate pressure fluctuations in the distillation phase.
UOM: 1 * 1 Items

Leverandør: BEHR
Beskrivelse: The behrotest® WE 5 Five-in-a-line multiple steam generator provides the simultaneously rapid and gentle distillation of up to five samples. The discharge of steam into the samples guarantees a particularly uniform distillation and thus a high reproducibility of the recovery rates over the entire range. The complete set includes:

Leverandør: BEHR
Beskrivelse: behr steam distillation units are not just high performance units and reliable partners in your daily laboratory routine. An essential factor in the development and design of the devices was also the safety of the user.

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